Friday, October 27, 2006


Well, the organization of the craft room is finished. How could this take three days? Now I'll show my before and afters, even though it is embarrassing how I let it get so messy? It is not the show place that I'm sure lots of others have, but it is what it is... I have a few more photos to share, but can't get them to download just now...

This is the area where all the threads, beads, buttons, laces and such are stored.



Ironing area


Bookcase (mostly)


Sewing area

This is where the cotton fabrics are sorted.



This is the chest of drawers where fancy fabrics are stored



This is the tatting, knitting, extra fancies, motifs, etc. area.


This was the 'loading dock' area - stuff that needed to find a home...




Susan said...

Wow, Charlene! I can believe it took three days to make everything so organized. I'm really impressed - both with how much you have and with how well you organized it!

Maddie Can Fly said...

Don't you love it now? All your work certainly paid off. When are you coming to my house? LOL

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Thanks, you guys! Yes, I want to just go in there and look now. Course, it will be ...was that a motif or a lace?... when I start loooking for something, but worth the effort, for sure. And yes, Susan, those ribbons and crystals are in their proper category :-).

Gerry said...

Check you out, Miss Organized! Pretty impressive. You notice that I'm not posting photos! LOL.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Inspiring!I bet you are enjoying it even more. I have to organise after every project or else I lose things.I love to see creative spaces. Thanks for sharing!