Saturday, December 22, 2007

Secret Santa Revealed

Today - just before Christmas - how timely?? my Secret Santa delivered a package to me! Oh, Lindy, what a grand Secret Santa you have been!! I have loved every piece of every wonderful piece you have sent to me. Thank you SO much!

If you can't see from this not so great scan, there is a packet of cards and notes, a packet of holiday buttons and bits, a snow/star pin, a bookmark requesting my fabric fairy to keep my stash supplied, a birthday candle set, and a gift certificate to the Pink Bunny. What fun - helping the fairy!!

This has been a great activity, thanks to Candi who had the inspiration and initiated it all. I only wish I had been as timely as I should have been, and when I get that final box in the mail to my recipient, I hope she will forgive me for being SO late.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh, love seeing the picture. It is worth a 1000 words - beautiful things!

I'm suggesting a little dried roses color silk perle from Pink Bunny. =) Thread Gatherer.